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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Little Miss Lynch, the shining star of the Slytherin Team

Slytherin vs Hufflepuff was one incredibly exciting match. The hufflepuffs did all they could, they fought hard to keep scoring but they just didn’t have a player to match the talent of Miss Ciara Lynch. This little Slytherin is only a first year but flies like a professional. Keep that name in mind because I think we will hear amazing things about her ability in the future. If she keeps training hard she could be joining our national team even before she graduates. She was the star of the game. Her fans didn’t stop cheering her until the match was over.

The Slytherins were having a wonderful time celebrating and the infuriated Hufflepuffs shared their frustration with the world by yelling things that showed how impressed they were with the talent little Miss Lynch showed at the pitch.

At 2:47 the game was standing 80 to 270 when the amazingly fast, Dea Thnote, caught the snitch, leaving the score at 420 to 80.

Congratulations Slytherin!

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