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Sunday, May 4, 2008

Overworkerd Teachers at Hogwarts?

Some teachers at Hogwarts seemed to be so dedicated to their jobs that they seem to be losing their minds. Several members of the staff have been seen around Hogsmeade in embarrassing situations that compromise the image of the school.

Professor Floreana Writer has been seen falling asleep everywhere, looking pale and thin and walking bare feet around town. A couple of students say they have seen her sleeping on the floor of the Three Broomsticks and her own niece admitted she has been acting different and she has forgotten she has to teach in a couple of occasions.

Our team will keep you informed about this situation. We don’t know yet what is happening with this teacher. Some rumors say she just hasn’t been able to get over her sister’s death.

We visited her cousin Penterghast Salmson at his Manor in Edinburgh and he laughed at the rumors. He said “My cousin has no heart; she doesn’t care about anyone but herself and the Slytherin house. She’s all about pride and knowledge. She might be going crazy, feeling guilty, she has no feelings and her soul is ripped”.
Mr. Salmson refused to explain his statement. We don’t know what he meant but we will find out and keep you informed.

Writer doesn’t seem to be the only teacher that is loosing her head. Students have seen the Headmaster coming back to the castle looking disheveled. He was once heard commenting that “he had been dragged through a hedge backwards”. He has also been seen leaving the castle in traveling clothes with a broom in his hand and then apparating elsewhere.
Is the Hogwarts Headmaster loosing his head as well?

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